Nice to know – slavery still legal and expanding in the Fifty States

By Nathan Barton

The Nine Nazgul (the US Supreme Court) have once again affirmed that slavery is the law of the land.  Tax slavery, of course, but still legal.  And expanding.

The issue was the Nazgul announcement on 26 June of their Trinity Lutheran Church decision. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources declined to issue a grant to rubberize the playground of the Trinity Lutheran Church Child Learning Center, claiming that the state forbids grants to religious organizations (but does give grants to non-religious non-profits. So Trinity Lutheran sued.   The Supremes decided that the state can’t discriminate against religious entities when offering a “public benefit” such as a grant.

The so-called “conservative” christian groups and legal aid associations all crowed happily about equal treatment.  Many pointed out (accurately) that this overturned some unjustice created nearly 150 years ago by James Blaine, a crypto-socialist who hated organized religion and especially hated and feared Roman Catholicism.

But overturning ancient injustice does NOT justify continuing to grow slavery.  Although it is just money, if I am forced by government to pay for something that I believe is wrong – or even if I believe the cause may be good, but am FORCED to pay for it by taxes or fees, that is slavery.

If I am not a Lutheran and live in Missouri and pay taxes to Missouri, a part of which the state will now give to Trinity Lutheran Church to buy and install playground equipment in their school, I am being forced by the state and the Nazgul to pay (indirectly, perhaps) for the Lutherans to proclaim their religious message – a message with which I may not agree.  No, it is not the playground equipment that proclaims that message – but the state paying for the equipment means that Trinity’s funds are freed up for other things.   It is just playing paying games as to which dollar (or fake dollar) goes where.

If I, as a christian, find this objectionable, then surely an atheist or a Buddhist or Jew would see it even more as a form of slavery – of forced payments for something with which they don’t agree.

It has been suggested that this problem can be solved by getting governments OUT of the business of subsidizing or funding private activities of any sort.  But this requires not just that, but getting governments out of the business of funding and controlling education, as well.  “Public” or private.

Indeed, it is even more than just that. Laying aside the question of whether government has ANY business stealing money from people and businesses to pay for ANYTHING, there is no moral or legal/constitutional justification for government to spend money on recreation any more than on religion or education.  Or for child care, or medical care, or a dozen other things.

Ultimately, it can be argued very easily that these are all matters of religious freedom and freedom from slavery (forced labor, directly or indirectly).  Although the Founding Fathers tried to get a form of government to protect freedom, to defend liberty, they failed. Government is the enemy of freedom and liberty. It enslaves me, and all of us, through our taxes, to pay for things that we do not agree with, do not necessarily want, and which we often find to be wrong and evil.

Mama’s Note: As always, I would say that NON-VOLUNTARY government is the problem. When people work together in voluntary association, collecting funds given voluntarily, they would be completely free to use it in any way they wanted. And anyone who didn’t want their funds or property used that way would be free to withdraw from it. It is the involuntary nature of even the most “democratic” government system, and the use of force, fraud and lies to achieve their goals, that constitutes the slavery we are all so deeply afflicted with now.

About TPOL Nathan

Follower of Christ Jesus (a christian), Pahasapan (resident of the Black Hills), Westerner, Lover of Liberty, Free-Market Anarchist, Engineer, Army Officer, Husband, Father, Historian, Writer, Evangelist. Successor to Lady Susan (Mama Liberty) at TPOL.
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4 Responses to Nice to know – slavery still legal and expanding in the Fifty States

  1. Darkwing says:

    My problem with the church and the playground, besides the tax money issue, this opens the door for a list to long of things that schools get and the church school gets. Then there is the issue money going to other things about the church. The door has been open and it will not close.


    • MamaLiberty says:

      I was actually surprised at the ruling myself. Whether or not this starts a trend toward such things, I suspect it will stimulate even more protest – perhaps even violence by those who have been serious about the separation of church and state, and those who hate all religion so much that they will rabidly attack any such capitulation. Continued and increasing conflict seems to be inevitable here, but I don’t see too much chance this ruling will open the doors wide to government support for religious organizations, including schools.


    • Nathan Barton says:

      Actually, the door has been open for more than a century. Even though the FedGov made South Dakota (and many other states) put a clause in their state constitutions (along with the “indissoluble union” clause) that forbade spending public money or giving public resources to sectarian institutions (such as churches and church schools) (thanks to Blaine, I believe), within just a few years, the FedGov gave thousands of acres of public land to churches and their schools. That land was given with the intent, and was used, to build church buildings and religious school buildings.
      Here in South Dakota, that land included land that had been dedicated to military use, on Indian reservations, and as part of government-owned/operated Indian schools and hospitals. Some of that land is still used by religious organizations today (110-130 years later) but some was sold by those organizations and are now used as private businesses and residential land.
      The FedGov’s hypocrisy has always been there, and the federal courts (no surprise!) have almost always sided with the feds against states and private people. Like Mama, I don’t think this will open the gates still wider. But who knows?


      • MamaLiberty says:

        I’m sure the hypocrisy is legion… but with all of the hysteria over any imagined connection to religion being expressed on “public” (and far too much private) property, it would seem unlikely that any such grants or support would be tolerated by the social “justice” warriors. That this came from the supreme court, which has refused to hear many very important cases otherwise, is the real shocker. It might be interesting to look deeper into how and why it made it to that level, especially with no real exposure in the media. But I find I don’t really care enough to do that.


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