Some resolutions for the First (Crime) Family

As we enter 2024, many people see the American political scene as more and more chaotic. Filled with instability, the general attitude appears to be pessimistic. On most if not all sides of the political diamond.

Forget about “October Surprises” – we probably will have shocks to the system every month of the year, right up to after the November elections.

One feature of presidential election races going back at least twenty years are the over-the-top claims by various celebrities that they will leave the States if so-and-so (usually the GOP candidate) is elected. To our recollection, none of these threats have ever been carried out. (Except for those celebrities sent to Gitmo by the winning GOP type, of course.) (Joking, really!)

Now Breitbart reports that one of the current cohort of celebrities has threatened to “flee America” if The Donald is elected to a second term. Oh dear!

Just who will be inconvenienced by this event, if Hunter would really go through with his threat? (We figure maybe a 1% chance he might, seriously.) Well, clearly the media, who would have one less celebrity and news events to write about (or hide). And “the Big Guy” would be: he’d not have that nice steady flow of retirement income from all Hunter’s “deals.” Gee, he might not even get to see his granddaughter!

Of course, the whoremongering, drugged-up, whinger will have to choose carefully where to flee: clearly someplace without an extradition treaty with the FedGov, if The Donald really wins. Surely China would welcome him. Or Venezuela. Or North Korea? Putin or his successors are unlikely to want the scruffy wannabe-thug.

But it triggers a series of thoughts. Perhaps ALL of the Biden Crime Family might want to find a nice retirement home overseas. Not necessarily a place without an extradition treaty: just one where it is relatively cheap to bribe the judges and cops enough. Quietly, of course, claiming that “political pressures” deem it unfair and inhumane to surrender a Biden or Bidenista to the tender mercies of a Trumpista White House and “cleaned-up” FBI, DEA, and BATFE.

It might even been easier for Uncle Joe to retire for reasons of health on the 18th or 19th of January and let dear Kammie make history as the first female VP and POTUS – and sign a nice blanket pardon for all past (and future) Biden family misdeeds. Including whatever they swiped from the White House between November and January.

Or… here is a more radical idea. Why not let Delaware secede from the Union and become another Singapore or Monaco? Uncle Joe and family could all retire there and not lose the benefits of living in North America. It appears he already owns a lot of real estate there. The current (or to be elected in 2024) Senators from DuPont and Dow Chemical could arrange for Delaware to gracefully exit. Or perhaps Congress could just go ahead and expel Delaware from the Union. And the treaty of de-annexation could have a nice extradition clause that implicitly exempts all the Bidens.

And the remaining States could instead spend more time worrying about other things.

About TPOL Nathan

Follower of Christ Jesus (a christian), Pahasapan (resident of the Black Hills), Westerner, Lover of Liberty, Free-Market Anarchist, Engineer, Army Officer, Husband, Father, Historian, Writer, Evangelist. Successor to Lady Susan (Mama Liberty) at TPOL.
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