Is it true that it can only get better when it comes to VPOTUS?

The latest example of “word salad” produced publically by dear Kammie (excuse us, Ms. Kamala Harris) is discussed in a recent article. Compared (unfavorably) to VPOTUS and later POTUS Andrew Johnson, she has demonstrated a command of English that is the envy of no one.

Keep in mind that Andrew Johnson, the only Southern State Senator to not resign when his State (Tennessee) seceded, and became the tyrannical, unelected military governor of Tennessee then selected by Honest Abe to be part of Abe’s “National Union” ticket in 1864. For more than a century he was the only President impeached (but was not thrown out of office by 1 vote in the Senate).

He was not regarded with favor by any one, probably not even Lincoln. According to most historians, he ranks as one of the worst vice-presidents and presidents of these United States. Yet now he is being compared favorably to the first woman to hold that office: more than 150 years later.

But the present VPOTUS is not just viewed as incompetent. She is ridiculed. Dear Kammie has exceeded the lack of favor of even Dan Quayle. She is very much disliked personally by many people. Including many of her own staffers and those in other federal agencies. Unlike Johnson, who had enough cachet in his home State of Tennessee to get sent back to the Senate to represent the State after serving as President – the only person to have done that.

Every task she has been given by the White House has so far proven to be a task she is incapable of performing. The border? Drugs? Giving speeches? Her track record is absolutely astounding!

So, is it not strange that the Democratic Party – and Joe Biden’s puppet masters – seem to continue to favor her? Seem seems to be the politically correct choice for those who have drunk the Kool-Aid which seems to be served in Democratic Party leadership circles these days.

To put it bluntly, why are these people passing by the opportunity to replace a comical, incompetent, disliked Veep offered by the Biden reelection campaign? To replace her with someone at least leaning towards competence as Uncle Joe continues to be more and more susceptible to the frailties of old age? He’s 81 now – he will be 86 – eighty-six – before the end of a second term. Even without the strong evidence of senility or Alzheimer’s, that is old. Our bodies’ parts fail more and more as time goes on. The odds of the Veep having to take office sometime between now and 20 January 2029 are very, very high.


Is it that she is a “woman of color”? There are other Democrats that can punch nearly as many holes in their tickets and far more competent – at least in Democratic eyes. Her Highness Michelle of New Mexico, for one. Even Lori Lightfoot of Chicago? Or Michelle Obama?

Is it a serious, if secret, desire to plunge the FedGov into chaos? Perhaps to further the Deep State by having another puppet in the White House to defer even more to the permanent bureaucracy and their masters and cronies? (Hard as that is to imagine compared to the past 3 years.)

Are American voters so gullible? So ashamed of their own ethnicity and political ideas that they are willing to vote for her?

Is it hubris or a surefire plan to steal the election in 2024, regardless of how Uncle Joe or Kammie are viewed by more and more of the electorate? Are they so sure the fix is in, 10+ months out, that it doesn’t really matter whose name is on the ballot? To be replaced by someone else within weeks of the election?

Any reader with ideas is asked to chime in.

Currently, it appears that for the vice-presidency the only way to go is up: virtually anyone would be better both as a serving Vice President/President of the Senate and a more and more likely situation involving moving into the Oval Office.

Or are people just being too optimistic?

About TPOL Nathan

Follower of Christ Jesus (a christian), Pahasapan (resident of the Black Hills), Westerner, Lover of Liberty, Free-Market Anarchist, Engineer, Army Officer, Husband, Father, Historian, Writer, Evangelist. Successor to Lady Susan (Mama Liberty) at TPOL.
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3 Responses to Is it true that it can only get better when it comes to VPOTUS?

  1. Delta3Two says:

    Harris, like soetoro, Cruz and other public servants vying for, having been or already are holding federal office forbidden under the US Constitution, are NOT natural born ! Natural Born originated under English common law. English common law was used to guide the creation of both the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution. However, the domestic communists argue “natural born” is not specifically defined in the Constitution. Therefore any human being spit out of a vagina is “natural born”.

    Soetoro and harris are prime examples as to why the Founding Fathers required POTUS and VPOTUS to be natural born. Like the rest of the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights, these documents are defined what is most convenient to the domestic communists to further their agenda of treason and sedition against the United States.


    • TPOL Nathan says:

      Interesting thoughts. Where can we find a definition of “natural born” under English common law?


      • Delta3Two says:

        The definition(s) of “natural born” within English Common Law have been changed over two centuries by England’s parliament. However, the phrase “natural born citizen” within the President Eligibility Clause of the Constitution, is defined by American liberals to mean that any CITIZEN ascertained as being “American” is eligible to be POTUS/VPOTUS. If that is in fact the case then why did the Framers require that any person considered an American citizen must be a NATURAL BORN citizen ?

        “Natural Born” has had it’s meaning and definition argued for more than two hundred years. The 14th Amendment is argued to mean ANY child of foreign parents born on American soil are American citizens; not natural born citizens. In turn, we have children of invaders born on American soil to be considered American citizens. Current example being Kamala Harris born of two foreign parents on American soil to meet Constitutional requirements to be “natural born”. Her allegiance to the United States is as distant as that of her foreign citizen parents. But like soetoro, she too is considered “natural born” and thus an American citizen eligible to be VPOTUS courtesy of the Liberal interpretation of the 14th Amendment.

        Me thinks not !

        Unfortunately, email replies are not in the venue of arguing pro/con “natural born”. Two hundred years plus of arguing English Common Law vs United States Constitution will not be resolved here.


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