The first “Felon POTUS”?

We are no great fans of The Donald here at TPOL. We haven’t shied away from saying that.

But we have even less respect and tolerance for Uncle Joe – We have been pretty clear about that, too.

And we have recently expressed our lack of any support for the degenerate libertarian just nominated by the LP.

We know nothing about Randall Terry, who is running on the Constitutional Party ticket – and most of us are not in States where they’ve made it to the ballot. It seems (as we write this) that their website has been hacked. We certainly cannot support the Greens, the Prohibition Party, or the Socialist Workers Party. (Virtually dead since the GOP and Dems alike have adopted Vlad’s platform – Vlad Lenin, not Vlad Putin.)

So NOTA (None of the Above) is going to be getting a few more votes this year.

Most people won’t do that, of course. Or even stay away from the polls. The propaganda spouted by all sides, all corners of the political diamond, seem to be very convincing to more and more people. This is, we are told, THE election not just of our times, our lives, or the Union, but of the World. The one for all the marbles. (Of course, we don’t buy that, but the tug is there.)

Now that The Donald is a convicted felon – thirty-four charges – people are shocked, disgusted, and angry. Some people (the talk-show hosts) think that this decision by a “jury of his peers” is flat-out giving Trump the November election. These same people are divided on whether on 11 July the judge will send The Donald to Riker’s Island and an orange jumpsuit or not. Others, like the esteemable Peter Ziehan, strongly believe that Trump is in trouble, Biden is rising, and this will turn all the “independent” (non-Demo, non-GOP) voters against him. Even if Uncle Joe croaks in the next five months.

Some of us here at TPOL believe that whatever the election results are, that Biden’s masters pushing this lawfare are doing so to tear apart not just “the Nation” but all Fifty States. And possibly the world: they seek to destroy whatever is left (in their opinion) of the American vision, system, and society. Who knows? They may be right.

But wanting to destroy, to tear apart, to shatter and abolish and erase, to cancel is not the same thing as accomplishing that. Chaotic, shocking, and very damaging actions and events are probably a certainly: another hot summer and perhaps even hotter fall – especially after 5 November. But our belief and prayer and hope is that this too will pass. And that the conflict will help more and more people realize that the path of least resistance: of letting Republicans and Democrats rule us is totally unacceptable. That both liberals and conservatives are too dangerous, too deadly, to be allowed to continue to control 4 out of 5 States – 40 or so States that must be prepared to defend themselves in every possible way against the 10 or so States that will continue to worship the omnipotent state.

Especially if that means that even a significant near-majority of voters and States vote for an orange man in an orange jumpsuit standing behind bars.

Tides have turned before in human affairs. In 1917, the German Empire was within hours or days of victory. In 1942, both the Dritte Reich and the Imperial Navy seemed to have victory well in hand. In 1812, Bonaparte controlled all of Europe that seemed to matter. In 1446 BC, the Israelites were slaves bowing before their Egyptian masters as they built their palaces and water system. But things changed – sometimes suddenly and dramatically, but other times painfully and in a costly way. This, history tells us, is likely to happen again.

And yet we must remember, the cost must be paid: blood, sweat, and tears; giving of lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.

Are we willing to do so?

About TPOL Nathan

Follower of Christ Jesus (a christian), Pahasapan (resident of the Black Hills), Westerner, Lover of Liberty, Free-Market Anarchist, Engineer, Army Officer, Husband, Father, Historian, Writer, Evangelist. Successor to Lady Susan (Mama Liberty) at TPOL.
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2 Responses to The first “Felon POTUS”?

  1. Grey says:

    This was a.politically motivated abuse of authority and the justice system.

    This was done to damage Trump and his campaign.

    The Rubicon has been crossed and the Democrats have destroyed any remaining trust or belief in justice for at least half the country. They have shown themselves willing and capable of corrupting any and all institutions to further their own power.

    The only thing that can be done to restore this trust is the complete dissolution of the Democrat party and the permanent removal of their members from all government positions of authority, both elected and appointed.


    • TPOL Nathan says:

      Dear Grey: I would argue that even that would not restore the trust in our system: this is not just a symptom of Democratic rule (both upper and lower case) but of mandatory human government in general. We like to pretend that judges are “independent” and that juries are informed and impartial. Virtually ALL courts and prosecution have a degree of abuse and political contamination.


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