They just don’t see it. Free markets promote freedom.

Celebrating his (sometimes labeled dubious) victory over a Republican who seems chosen to fail miserably 15 years ago, Barack (Barry) Obama continued to preach his anti-liberty, anti-free-market gospel in Chicago a while back. He is obviously still very active politically. And it may be that more and more Democrats – fearful of Uncle Joe’s growing dysfunction conditions – are hoping for a miracle in the form of Michelle. And continued control (according to many) of the Executive Branch by Obummer and his minions.

But for now, consider his preaching.

“But just because an economic system generated wealth and innovation doesn’t mean it guarantees a good society,” Obama said. “Because from the outset, market-based systems have been compatible with slavery, caste systems, colonialization, war, exploration, corruption, fraud, autocracy, the poisoning of our natural environment.”

Gee, really?

Actually, we agree with the first sentence. (Shocker, right?) But…

Well, it seems that socialist, progressive, and communist systems are pretty compatible also with all these evil things. At least to us here at TPOL.

Except we’d disagree on a number of these things. Truly free markets do little to directly promote or encourage caste systems. Why? Free markets allow economic mobility (both up and down). They also seem to undermine autocracy, and make it easier to deal with corruption and fraud: freedom of choice does that.

And frankly, why on earth is “exploration” so bad, Mr. Barry? And for that matter, he seems a bit vague on “colonization” as well: Islamic colonization – from Iberia and France across more than half of the globe to the Philippines, India, and deep into Africa is fine. Is it only free-market colonialism that he and his ilk find to be bad?

In almost all (if not all) of these things, socialist and communist systems seem to do a “better” job of promoting evils. Without much of the redeeming value of free markets. After all, was not slavery ultimately undermined by inventions that were products of free markets and which furthered free markets? We could go on, of course, but let us see what further wisdom the aged Barry Soetero can bring us.

Oh, and the reaction of his admiring audience.

As Obama listed, the audience applauded. The former president went on to credit Democratic governments for “moderating capitalism’s excesses” with a “social safety net.” According to him, it will take “young leaders to help us think and act anew” about “creating an economic system that supports and sustains our democratic values.”

Are we looking at this wrongly? An alliance between government and capitalists – big business – has a name: fascism. He continued:

“Especially after the Great Depression and World War II, governments began making public investments in education and transportation, scientific research, and in housing projects,” Obama said. His history is a mite biased: all of these things – yes, even housing – were being done by federal and state governments long, long before the 1930s. From canals and railroads to one-room schools and academies, expeditions to find valuable mineral resources, and much more. (Not saying these are really truly government’s business, mind you.)

So where do we sit compared to 2008 and the Obummer victory over an even more lame Republican candidate? (Remember John McCain?) Or the 2012 defeat of Romney? (Now more Democrat than Republican, according to many. As if there is any real difference?)

As we mentioned above: Some claim, with a few good arguments and some bogus ones, that it is Obummer who is calling the shots in the current regime of Uncle Joe, his erstwhile VP, and comic relief for 8 years. There are still others – including some who believe Gavin Newsom’s promise not to run for President in 2024 vice Uncle Joe – who believe that Michelle can do what dear, dear Hillary failed to do, and win a second Obummer regime. The closer we get to the Democratic National Convention and the General Elections, the more we hear of this.

Maybe. But are the Obummers far enough to the Regressive, Woke fringe of politics to get the current puppetmasters of the Democratic Party to accept and back them? Even with Woke GOP types pushing? That is certainly up in the air.

And there are many other avenues, surely being discussed, plotted, and planned in formerly smoke-filled rooms of the Democratic Party. Yes, and the GOP as well.

The one thing we can depend on is that none of their plots and plans, despite claims to the contrary, support liberty. Or free markets. Or treating people as anything but cattle and sheep.

About TPOL Nathan

Follower of Christ Jesus (a christian), Pahasapan (resident of the Black Hills), Westerner, Lover of Liberty, Free-Market Anarchist, Engineer, Army Officer, Husband, Father, Historian, Writer, Evangelist. Successor to Lady Susan (Mama Liberty) at TPOL.
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