Moderate Politicians and Compromise

Moderate, middle of the road, willing to compromise… all familiar words in the political world. But I wonder how many people truly think about that and take it to its logical conclusion.

How about this as an example:

A guy comes to you and demands your wallet. You refuse. He proposes a “compromise.” You only need to give him half of your stuff and you can keep the rest.  You going for that? Why not? He got half of what he wanted and you got half of what you wanted… so what’s to complain about? Isn’t that the political definition of compromise?

Sadly, that’s EXACTLY the sort of “compromise” the politicians make nearly every time they get together. Heads they win and tails we lose. And, incredibly, the same scam is pulled over and over again! Your “half” shrinks each time, and somehow it is packaged so that few people really notice – or blame the wrong people for the swindle when they do.

The “middle of the road” politician is just the personification of a political “compromise.”  It’s a fraud from the start, of course, but so few can see it for what it is. Just ask yourself what the real choices are… what is being compromised on and who gains from it? Isn’t the “compromise” pretty much always of benefit to parasites and a dead loss to the productive people? Why on earth would honest, hard working productive people continue to fall for that? How many centuries do they need to be robbed, murdered and tortured before they figure out that these cretins have no legitimate right or reason to dictate anything in an individual’s life?

A great many people seem to believe the lies that such theft and coercion is “necessary,” for reasons that range from compassion for the weak and poor, to “national defense.” But the lies are getting really thin these days as the economy nears melt down and another world war seems around the corner. Just maybe the good people of this country, this world, will wake this time and reclaim self ownership from the thieves and liars who pretend to “represent” them.

I have a compromise for you… you live your life as you see fit, and I’ll live mine.  You keep ALL your stuff and I’ll keep mine. You defend yourself and your family, community from thieves, murderers and scam artists, and so will I.

We both win 100%. Then there is nothing to prevent either of us, or both of us, from helping a neighbor, building a road, providing for mutual defense or anything else if we wish to do so.

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2 Responses to Moderate Politicians and Compromise

  1. knobster says:

    Very nice ML. Sadly, too many people just don’t get it.


  2. This reminded me of my “Gun control” compromise idea.

    Yeah, it isn’t “compromise” when you keep giving up some of your liberty and the enemies’ only “sacrifice” is that they don’t get to violate you completely right now.


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