The long arm of the taxman – California style

The People’s Republic of California is in trouble. Almost everyone knows it.

Their budget deficits and “national debt” are on a par with that of Uncle Sugar – but unlike the Fed Sacramento can’t just print money (paper or electronic). Taxes go up and up, piled on top of each other. More and more people are fleeing the State for greener pastures: even places like Texas and Arizona and Nevada. Their cities are more and more cesspools, chaotic and crime-ridden even beyond the average Third-World countries’ cities they more and more resemble. Homeless and mentally ill people are rapidly growing problems. The political factions are at each other’s throats.

California uber alles

His Imperial Governor Gavin Newsom is shown up as a liar and fool more and more often. The California State Assembly and State Senate are clown shows. Drug stores, other retail outlets, insurance companies and more are pulling out of the State. People and companies are fleeing stupid laws, insane taxes, ridiculous regulations, and growing crime.

So what do the clown shows and His Highness do? Well, they can set up checkpoints to keep other Americans (coming in from Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon) out lest their fruit “contaminate” the Golden State (however badly tarnished that thin gold film is). And Sacramento doesn’t want anyone out if they are coming up from Baja California (Mexicans and a host of other border jumpers).

So they have come up with a brilliant solution to keeping California-abused companies and residents in the State. It is called the Exit Tax. It is based, in a truly disgusting manner, on an attempt to rescue another failed government, economy, and tax system: that of the FedGov, the American economy, Congress, and the IRS.

Anyone leaving California must pay for the wonderful benefits and services and opportunities that the State of California provided to them while they lived and were maltreated in California. There seems to be two objectives: one, to dissuade refugees from California moving to a more free State. And two, the “recover” money that supposedly State government invested in serving those people and companies.

It is a mere trifle: just 1% on tangible and intangible wealth (including real and personal property, shares and bonds) up to $1 billion dollars, and just 1.5% above that amount. (That is one proposal: another is 1% for $1-$2 million, 3% for $3-$5 million, and 3.5% above that. Not much, right? Until you look at real estate prices (and everything else) in California: a house that might cost $300,000 in many states and areas can go for $1.5 million in much of California.

One attorney compared it to paying spousal support (as might be done after divorce) to the State of California. It is supposed to tax the “accumulated value” of being allowed to live in California. It is supposed to be used to support “underfunded public services and infrastructure projects.”

Let us ignore such niceties as stolen liberty, freedom denied, theft by government, slavery, and other evils that all States participate in to some degree. The insanely complex California tax system would get even more extreme. And the real benefit would seem to go to the government officials and employees paid to administer and enforce this new form of theft of wealth.

Californians, like ancient Jews, are more and more praying “How long, Oh Lord” do they have to put up with this. The smart ones recognize that they have done this to themselves by allowing the old parties to prey on them for a hundred years.

Is it not time not just for Calexit or splitting the State up into two or more States (or preferably independent or autonomous entities in some sort of free association with the remaining States)? But for tearing down the evil empire with its headquarters in Sacramento, its boots in every county, city, and town, and its hands in every pocket?

Not, of course, that California is alone in pushing this sort of nonsense. But California is so obvious a tyranny…

About TPOL Nathan

Follower of Christ Jesus (a christian), Pahasapan (resident of the Black Hills), Westerner, Lover of Liberty, Free-Market Anarchist, Engineer, Army Officer, Husband, Father, Historian, Writer, Evangelist. Successor to Lady Susan (Mama Liberty) at TPOL.
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2 Responses to The long arm of the taxman – California style

  1. Samuel Boes says:

    Looks like other folks agree with you: said Cali has a 55 billion buck problem: liabilities more than assets. And faces much more than that in a deficit for this year alone. They be getting desperate

    Any idea how much (gross or net) this silly tax would bring in?


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