Really? The Constitution?

A while back, I got a missive from Hillsdale College. It triggers some thoughts about the US Constitution, about liberty and human government, and about what we need to defend liberty and our rights.

Read it for yourself:


In his Farewell Address, George Washington argued that “virtue or morality is the necessary spring of popular government,” and for this reason, “it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened.” Washington knew the preservation of liberty depended upon Americans knowledgeable about their history, rights, and form of government and courageous enough to defend them.

The truth of this message is made apparent today by the increased efforts to strip America’s classrooms of civic education, to rewrite the history of our nation, and to silence debate on the most important issues.

If you want the knowledge necessary to defend our freedom and help stop this movement to transform our nation, I urge you to enroll in our free online course, “Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution.”

In this free course, you’ll learn how the American Founders developed the freest government in human history from a timeless understanding of politics and human nature. You’ll also learn how they defined equality, natural law, consent, representation, and sovereignty. Finally, you’ll study how this form of government has been undermined for over a century and the significant threats we face today.

Most importantly, you’ll be armed with the knowledge and confidence to defend liberty in the face of modern efforts to control and silence the American people.

You can start the first lecture with Dr. Larry P. Arnn by clicking the link (omitted) below.


Now, Dr. Arnn is not a bad scholar, nor a bad man. Hillsdale College is nearly unique in its refusal to accept federal money – even secondhand. He has a moderately Biblical worldview, and an understanding of people and society.

But is all that is needed to defend liberty a knowledge of the Constitution of the United States and its history?

No, I am not thinking of things like military training, weapons, and tactics to defend yourself against the enemies of liberty in violent conflict.

I am not talking about how to discuss and argue successfully with those who do not understand or do not want liberty.

I am not pointing out how we can get people to vote for our candidates or our ideas or our programs.

So what are we thinking of here? Readers are asked to suggest what is both more important and more fundamental to the cause of liberty than these things.

Or do you agree with Dr. Arnn?

Please share with all of us. We will follow up on this topic.

About TPOL Nathan

Follower of Christ Jesus (a christian), Pahasapan (resident of the Black Hills), Westerner, Lover of Liberty, Free-Market Anarchist, Engineer, Army Officer, Husband, Father, Historian, Writer, Evangelist. Successor to Lady Susan (Mama Liberty) at TPOL.
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