Libertarian Commentary on the News #12-41A

Islamic wars: Arab Street revolt
Napolitano: ‘Deplorable’ Film ‘Is Not, Never, and Never Will Be Excuse for Violence’

( “Deplorable?”  Oh, not like “Life of Brian” or those other filthy movies that seek to increase box office by pandering to those who want to see Jesus of Nazareth as a pervert.  Not like the garbage “art” that transforms religious icons into the equivalent of restroom graffiti.  Not like the constant repetition of “scientists” and “scholars” and all the other talking heads who demean the Bible, those people in the Bible, and those who believe and practice it today.  (An example is the vicious attack by Bill Nye the Science Guy on those parents who “fail” their children by teaching them about creation instead of “real” science.  The constant attacks by such people as Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins have been with us for decades.)  No, it is just that the Tranzis are backing (and to some degree, afraid of) their creations: the fanatical followers of a pedophile and bandit chief and murderer fourteen centuries ago.

Stupid government tricks
USDA Spending $5.2M to ‘Support Schools As They Strive to Serve Healthy Food’

This comes at the same time as an interesting article on how students of all ages are having to pay more for their meals and having less to eat, not just less of the familiar foods they want to eat and are used to eating at home, but literally less food as the schools try to cut costs AND comply with the new Michelle-driven federal food rules to reduce obesity.  And to make matters worse (from the school and student point of view) the House has apparently left the new Farm Bill (which includes funding for school lunch programs as well as food stamps and more welfare) to wither on the vine.  Note that this is almost certainly a GOOD thing from the point of view of weaning people OFF welfare and helping them understand the basic untrustworthy nature of government.  And (wonderful, eh?) government is doing this to everyone all by themselves!

See articles here:
Complaints Mount Against Michelle Obamas New Lunch Menu
Farm Bill Left To Die On Vine Before Recess

Stupid government tricks – Politics 2012
“Moocher” Paradox in “Red States”

( Tranzi mainstream media is a past master at skewing data and statistics and painting a situation to their advantage.  It is easy to lie when you are using data and people cannot or will not use basic observation and math skills to see through the smoke and mirrors.  This seems to be a classic case of lies and more lies.

First, the good professor fails to take into account the hypocrisy of too many “conservatives” who are still supporters of big government.  Although they claim to want to cut taxes and spending by the fed gov, in reality it is only SOME kinds of spending that they want cut and that mostly to divert the spending to other programs.

Second, the analysis is childish:  although he claims to have taken things like defense spending into account, he does not show that and apparently does not actually analyze what constitutes defense spending or direct payments.  For example, I understand that direct payments includes retirement: military and civilian, and Social Security and Medicare, which are least theoretically are based on contributions paid in the past by recipients.  And without looking at the raw data, for instance, you cannot tell whether salaries paid to military personnel are part of “defense spending” or “salaries and wages.”  When you look at the states which profit from federal money versus federal taxes, and examine each state-by-state, you see much different patterns.

Third, trying to simplify politics to “red-blue” is incredibly stupid.  Straight party-line voting is a straitjacket that had its seams slashed a long time ago, and whether you are looking at states or counties, you are foolishly reading both too much and too little into the tea leaves.

Why not pay attention those who still believe in liberty – or even those who still believe in the Constitution, and then honestly ask (and pay attention) to who they are going to vote for?  Including those who will not vote for anyone because they have washed their hands of the whole mess?

About TPOL Nathan

Follower of Christ Jesus (a christian), Pahasapan (resident of the Black Hills), Westerner, Lover of Liberty, Free-Market Anarchist, Engineer, Army Officer, Husband, Father, Historian, Writer, Evangelist. Successor to Lady Susan (Mama Liberty) at TPOL.
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