Tag Archives: 2024 election

Raising up a martyr

“I would rather lose my freedom than surrender to this group of thugs, tyrants, and fascist scoundrels.” – The Donald, recent CPAC speech. T(hat was once a common American attitude. It is exemplified by a now-often-disrespected New Hampshire motto: “Live … Continue reading

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A Baker’s Dozen reasons not to vote in the 2024 election for massa

Editor’s note: Hopefully, all readers will see this as the satire it is intended to be.But these do make us think about this activity. Provide your own reasons to, or not to, vote this year. A Baker’s Dozen reasons NOT … Continue reading

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America in hospice care

We apparently have now entered the longest general election campaign in American history. With both Uncle Joe and The Donald securing sufficient delegates to win their respective gang’s nomination, they are now officially able to go after each other tooth … Continue reading

Posted in Commentary on the News, Ideas for liberty, Nathan's Rants | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Same old, same old

It seems that the “white hope” of the 2024 presidential election (in many eyes) has chosen a running mate. This makes the election more problematic, and more of a mess. Robert F Kennedy Jr. has chosen Nicole Shanahan, a California … Continue reading

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Guest column: Future news by Simon Black

We here at TPOL just enjoyed reading this: lots of weird ideas, no? Enjoy! December 8, 2025: US Supreme Court rules 21-6 to uphold Life Sentence for Donald Trump After a mysterious pneumonia began spreading in China beginning in late … Continue reading

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Preparing for the 2024 presidential elections

Updating the voting rolls is a threat to democracy, right? Continue reading

Posted in History of Liberty, Image of liberty, Nathan's Rants, Short Takes | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Chaos? Breaking news: Colorado Supremes keep Trump off primary ballot

Colorado denies Trump the right to be on the primary ballot in that State. Continue reading

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Both sides display their stupidity over 2024 eligibility

The Trumpistas and Never-Trumpers are fighting over the ballot almost a year ahead of the actual election. But none of them are addressing the real issues and what is actually at stake. Continue reading

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