Tag Archives: good cops

Do we have a “good cop” in DC?

A “good cop” in DC? Really? Or are we just being insanely optimistic? I got a smile about the headline of one news story – “Biden… greasing its [Ukraine’s] path to NATO membership.” This was Uncle Joe touting his “security … Continue reading

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Not all cops are total losers – but

By Nathan Barton It is easy to brand all police officers – and their cousins, government-employed security guards – as evil and total losers, who love to flaunt their power and ride roughshod over anyone and everyone. Sadly, this stereotype … Continue reading

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Racism and society in 2014 – cops, bureaucrats, and Congress (was Libertarian Commentary on the News #14-49D1)

By Nathan Barton Walking while black, with your hands in your pocket on a cold November day makes you a suspect in robberies, according to a Michigan cop.  Sweet.  Heaven forbid he have a face mask, partial or not, against … Continue reading

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Libertarian Commentary on the News, #14-39E: Weekend fears and follies

By Nathan Barton Good morning!  On this lovely Saturday, the Home Front is just really going through convulsions, as people are really upset and worried. We aren’t supposed to, of course: guvmint will take care of us really, really nicely, … Continue reading

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