Tag Archives: 2024 Elections

Do we need an American President?

What does an addict need more than anything else? “The biggest and most important job in America” is how a talk show host recently described the position of POTUS. While wondering how someone who is too mentally incompetent to be … Continue reading

Posted in Commentary on the News, History of Liberty, Nathan's Rants | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Broken judicial and government system near collapse?

In State after State, and in DC, we hear more and more about really incredible, stupid actions and demands. By special interest groups, politicians, bureaucrats, and big businesses. Many of these actions and much of the rhetoric are incomprehensible from … Continue reading

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What is going on? Politics 2024

Thursday, 8 February 2024, was a momentous day in American politics. In front of the Nine Nazgul (SCOTUS), lawyers argued over Colorado and Maine trying to ban THe Donald from their ballots in November: denying the functioning of the “democracy” … Continue reading

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Texas ups the ante!

No, it is not a “constitutional crisis” – it is a real demonstration of the lack of faith that Uncle Joe and his rogue regime (administration) has created in Texas and many other States in 2024, as we careen down … Continue reading

Posted in Commentary on the News, Ideas for liberty, Nathan's Rants, Short Takes | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Leader of the “free” world

Publisher’s note: An end-of-the-month business trip through the wonders of mostly-free Wyoming and into “growing more free” (in many ways) Utah put publishing on hold for a few days. Coupled with workload and some family illness! Thanks for your patience. … Continue reading

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Uncle Joe makes a splash

Social media posters always love it when they get lots of comments, right? The following tweet has generated more than 28,000 replies/comments, nearly 3 times as many as most from Uncle Joe. I guessed that he and his handlers and … Continue reading

Posted in Commentary on the News, Nathan's Rants, Short Takes | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Will a civil war or war between American States lead to world collapse?

A recent MSN offering, republished from The Hill, about how China is trying to pick the next American president, included this little tidbit: America’s foes hope to foment domestic clashes to such an intense degree that the tensions will approach … Continue reading

Posted in Fiction, Ideas for liberty, Nathan's Rants | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Uncle Joe – two strikes and the pitcher is winding up!

We aren’t much into sports allusions, but it appears that Dear Beloved 81-year-old “Leader of the Free World” (or is that Fee Whirled?) now has at least two big strikes against him. As far as both his Democrat foot soldiers … Continue reading

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